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The Independent’s vile anti-Saudi Propaganda

UPDATED: And they're at it again! Woke up this morning to more bakwas from the Independent.  It's so ridiculous. This time, the headline is: "Mecca under threat: Outrage at plan to destroy the ‘birthplace’ of the Prophet Mohamed and replace it with a new palace and luxury malls".  More hate-mongering from the Independent and guess who? Yes, you guessed it, Dr Irfan. I'll update the post with official plans for the library soon insha'Allah. Until then, enjoy this read from a few months back:

The Independent’s vile anti-Saudi Propaganda - I woke up this morning to see statuses and tweets about a so-called Saudi plot to move the grave of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  It was a bit of a de ja vu moment.  At first, I thought it was an old article being shared, but, lo and behold, it wasn’t.  The Indy was Saudi bashing again.

It feels like every year they create a sensationalist, half-checked, utterly ridiculous piece of garbage attacking Saudi Arabia and its development plan for the Haramain.  This one, though, had more malice than ever before.  This is the kind of stupid reporting which creates hatred and animosity between Muslims.  Had this lousy excuse of a journalist tried to speak to the authorities at the Haramain he would’ve saved himself the embarrassment.  In fact, all he had to do was take a look at the development plans for Masjid an-Nabawi and he would’ve seen that neither the grave nor the green dome were going anywhere.  But, why would he?  He has a so-called expert, known as: Irfan al-Alawi, to educate him on this issue.  Honestly, you’d expect this type of shoddy journalism from a tabloid.

For those of us who’ve been reading the Indy over the years, would know that this isn’t the first time the Indy has chosen to bash Saudi Arabia.  They’ve done it on many occasions.  I wonder what their true agenda is.

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