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What Are Your Priorities in Life?

Something amazing happened today which made me really think about things we tend to prioritise in life. The day before yawmul A'rafah last year, I met two awesome brothers in Masjid Nabawi. These brothers were from Jeddah. One of them happened to be a student of Sheikh Muhammad Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee. These were genuinely some of the nicest brothers I could have hoped to meet. We all spent the evening together getting to know each other, went out for food, exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes as the brothers were set to depart back to Jeddah the following day. 

I kept in touch with one of the brothers but did not, as it turned out, save the other brother's number. Last week I received a call from an unknown number and despite the greetings and him asking me to guess who it was, I could not figure it out. To my surprise it was the same brother from Madinah. He said he was in Riyadh. In a hospital. With a heart problem. SubhanAllah. I didn't know what to say other than that I would come and see him. I thought subhanAllah, here is Allah re-uniting us and as well as purifying this brother, He was also giving me an opportunity to have 70,000 angels make dua for me. I visited the brother and masha'Allah despite his condition, he was in high spirits and was still joking around with us. He informed us that the hospital is due to carry out a checkup on Sunday to get to the bottom of the problem.

Today (Monday) I was going to ring him to get an update, but, to my surprise, he rung me early in the morning. I didn't know what to expect. We exchanged greetings, he asked about my health and before I could even ask about his, he asked me whether I could do him a favour. I said ofcourse and asked him what he needed. He asked me to bring him some dawah material in English. SubhanAllah! I was shocked. Here is a man stuck in a hospital with a heart condition not knowing the severity of it, yet, instead of moaning and complaining, he's concerned himself with trying to save others from the ultimate pain of not knowing and not worshipping Allah. Allahu Akbar!

Let us, for a minute, imagine ourselves in his position. Let's ask ourselves if we were to be in that hospital bed, what would be the biggest worry on our mind? Our health and this dunya or somebody's aakhirah? You don't have to share your answers, but, each and every single one of us knows ourselves better than anyone else. May Allah (swt) allow us to be of those who call people back to Islam until our very last breath.

p.s: we did get around to finding out about his health, Alhamdulilah he's doing well and tests were carried out on Sunday but the results are not expected until the end of the week. Please do take out a few moments to make dua for this brother.

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