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Small Deeds, Massive Rewards

The beauty of doing small but regular good deeds is that you don’t know which one could end up being your key to Jannah. Wallahi, just think about it. You may see a beggar or a homeless person on the street and make it a habit to give him some money, however small it may be, every day. To you it may be insignificant but to him/her it could be the difference between having food or sleeping hungry that night. Now imagine this act of yours pleases Allah so much that He guides this poor person to raise his hands in dua for you and thus Allah forgives your lifetime of sins.

How easy is it nowadays to set up standing orders of small, but, regular amounts? Many of us may already have £3, £5 or £10 going out of our accounts every month but not even remember or notice. Then, there are times where we feel shy about giving because we believe the amount we are about to give is too small. Never belittle an act. You will be rewarded according to your means.

A beautiful brother once informed us of a time when he was going through some standing order forms and one caught his eye. He noticed that the amount per month was: £1.03. A peculiar figure, so, he rung up the brother to find out whether he meant £103 or something else. However, the figure was correct, the brother who was donating said that is all he could afford to give each month. He simply did not have the ability to give a penny more! SubhanAllah. Yet, we belittle our donations of 50p, a pound and so on.

Wallahi, I know of adults who wish they could give zakaat. Their financial status is such that every year they don’t meet the nisaab level. May Allah grant them wealth beyond means so that they can spend it in His cause.

Yet, good deeds are not limited to giving money in charity alone. You may see an animal on the street dying of thirst or hunger and decide to feed it. Maybe you showing mercy to this animal will be a means of Allah showing His Mercy to you. We all know the following hadeeth very well:

"Whilst a prostitute from the tribe of Isra’eel was walking, she passed by a water well and drank some water from it. Whilst doing this she saw a dog panting, eating soil due to the desperation of thirst. The prostitute then went back to the well and filled her pouch with water. She then gave this to the dog [in order to quench its thirst]. So Allaah forgave her sins."

If that is the case with an animal then what about showing mercy to humans? Maybe you see an old person having difficulty carrying their shopping, a young child crying, a blind person trying to cross the road, an obstacle which could cause harm on the street and out of mercy and purely for Allah’s sake, you decide to do something about. Maybe through this small act, you will become beloved to Allah and in turn, beloved to His creation.

When we think of good deeds, we sometimes think of grandeur, we sometimes think of things like: Umrah, Hajj, etc. We sometimes ignore the simple and easy things we can do each and every single day. One of the most beautiful quotes I ever read was by Sheikh Arefe when he said:

"Perhaps just a smile at a poor man would raise you in rank in the sight of Allah…"

SubhanAllah. The point here being that you have no idea which deed is going to end up being your means to Jannah. But, the more you do, the more chance of something being accepted. Finally, there’s only one way to end this post and that is by quoting the words of our Habeeb (saw) when he said:

"The deeds most loved by Allah swt (are those) done regularly, even if they are small". ( Bukhari, Muslim )

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