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The Little Explorer’s Guide To: The Catalina Plane Wreckage

There are a number of theories online about what actually happened to this plane which I’m sure you can all read by searching for it online.  However, all we know for certain is that there is a plane wreck in Hamid.  Now, you will either be going to Hamid from Sharmaa to the South, Magna to the North or Al-Bad’ from the North East.  Let me just put this out there:  the drive from either direction to Hamid is boring!  There.  

Before you take highway 392, make sure you have fuelled up or have enough fuel to last you 250KM for the round-trip because there ain’t no fuel pumps on the way.

So that’s the bad news out of the way.  The good news, if you have a 4x4, you can drive all the way almost to the plane.  Then you get out of your car and walk around the remaining pieces of this plane wreck.  Although you can still make out the various parts, it is now all rusted and filled with graffiti.  But hey, it’s a plane wreck.

Once you’re bored with the pane wreck, walk a few metres to the beach and enjoy the blue waters and the sand.  Once you’re bored with that, enjoy the boring drive back.

Ok, ok, it’s not that boring, but still, compared to the rest of the coast, it is kinda stale.  But I’m sure you’ll like it so do go visit and let me know how you found it.

The Little Explorer's Guide To... aims to give you a taste of some beautiful places I've had the pleasure of visiting.  Check out some of the other posts in the Travel section.  If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below, or, connect with me on social media.

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